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History of Rotary Club of Brownsville Sunrise


Founded in 1986, Brownsville Sunrise Rotary Club now counts with over 55 community leaders among its members. The first president was Rusty Faulk and three of its original charter members are still involved with the club to this day!


Brownsville Sunrise meets weekly to share fellowship, build friendships, and listen to influential and intriguing guest speakers. Members participate in over 10 service projects and have multiple fundraisers within the community that help give back. That includes grants to local non-profit organizations, scholarships, international servicing projects to our sister city of Matamoros Mexico or as far as other countries overseas. 


We are an active, enthusiastic group and are always on the lookout for other like-minded individuals who want to have a positive impact in the community. Join us!

Black and White Vintage Newspaper Motivational Quote Poster.png
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